NO. You do not have to have a protection order to receive our services.
Any agency or institution can contact the Shelter to refer a survivor. The survivor can also apply for the service on her own initiative.
It is important that we validate and not judge the survivor. We must ensure that the survivor is out of harm's way. We can support by identifying services and resources available to survivors. Above all, accompany, respect the survivor's autonomy, support and believe the survivor.
You can get to the shelter by coordinating transportation with a police officer from the nearest police station. For security reasons, people do not arrive at the shelter by private transport.
The maximum stay in the hostel is approximately (3) months. Depending on the specific needs of each case, the stay may be extended.
By going to the Registry of any Court or Barracks and requesting a Protection Order in their favour.
Filling out the Interactive form that the Judicial Branch created to apply for the Protection Order online.
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